Image processing and artificial intelligence (AI) have significantly impacted the field of X-ray imaging, revolutionizing how medical professionals analyze and interpret radiographic images. We are also working this direction so that the technology can reach remote areas and can benefit public at large.

There are a few important steps that create base for implementation of automation in the detection of disease and abnormality in X-Ray i.e. Image Enhancement while keeping the reference to the original image intact, thereafter, the segmentation is done by using the algorithms to identify  different structures or abnormalities within the body.

At last classification is done on the basis of the features and other information preceded by quantitative analysis. This aids in monitoring disease progression and treatment effectiveness.

Automation tools serve as aids to radiologists, helping them in interpreting images more efficiently and accurately. By flagging potential abnormalities or providing additional insights, these tools augment the expertise of medical professionals. It can also be utilized to help to train the staff.

Overall, the combination of image processing and AI in X-ray imaging holds great promise for improving diagnostic accuracy, patient outcomes, and the efficiency of healthcare delivery. However, it’s crucial to ensure that these technologies are rigorously evaluated and integrated into clinical practice in a responsible manner, taking into account factors such as data privacy, reliability, and ethical considerations.